Rosannguaq Rossen

Assistant Professor and Ph.D., Department of Language, Literature & Media, University of Greenland


Rosannguaq Rossen received her Master of Arts in Cultural Studies and Media in 2014 and Ph.D. in Arctic Studies - Culture, Language and Social Conditions from Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland, August 2020. Her Ph.D. was on Branding through fashion – The West Greenlandic woman’s dress as a symbol.

She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Greenlandic Language, Literature & Media and has been teaching in Literature and Media since June 2014.

In the last period, she has researched Greenlandic satire, women's literature, the West Greenlandic women's dress as a symbol, the Greenlandic young people as influencers and fashion.

Selected articles

“Let the Pasts Begin: Memory, History and Heritage. 6.3.2. The Past as Power and Problem: Who owns the National Custume? 6.3.3. Satirical Contestations”, In: Denmark and The New North Atlantic. Narratives and Memories in a Former Empire. Ed. Kirsten Thisted and Ann-Sofie N. Gremaud. Aarhus University Press. Pp:158-173.

“Nuuk city relates to the world - The Greenlandic fashion influencers on social media”, In: Representations. Picturing Places, Peoples and Practices in the Circumpolar North. Ed. Barbara Miller, Cunera Buijs and Kim Van Dam. (forthcoming)

“Kristendommens indflydelse på moden i Grønland skabte den vestgrønlandske kvindedragt – Kvindernes inspiration fra moden i Europa”, in: 300 år for Hans Egedes ankomst til Grønland. Red. Aage Rydstrøm-Poulsen.

Rosannguaq Rossen can be contacted at